Systemic Business Constellations

See what’s going on behind the scenes

Systemic Constellations offer a new approach for leaders to gain clarity and insights about hidden business dynamics and possible solutions in complex environments.

•  Uncover hidden  DYNAMICS
•  Gain insights into   COMPLEX SYSTEMS 
•  Discover new insights and SOLUTIONS

For Go To Market Consulting services formerly provided by Business Backstage please visit:

go to market consulting

The value of Business Constellations lies in its ability to bring clarity, uncover hidden dynamics, provide new insights and support transformative change.

A systemic view balances and validates traditional analytical or process driven approach to problem solving with intuitive insights:

  • Addressing hidden organisational dynamics
  • Facilitating change and transformation
  • Enhancing collaboration and communication 
  • Decision making and personal Development

A whole-of-business view:

“Systemic” describes what relates to or affects an entire system rather than just a part of it.

“A business is not just a product, Process or org chart…

   …it is a complex system driven by interconnected relationship dynamics.


Systemic Constellations characteristics:

Solution Focused

Visualisation and holistic testing of different solution scenarios


The process takes 1-2 hours online or in-person per session


Accessing the intuitive “right brain”  of the business


Fast process with instant insights and scenario testing

Systemic Constellations (SC)

This experiential systemic approach involves representing and exploring the internal or external relationship dynamics within complex business systems using physical representation or “constellations” of individuals, teams, functions, elements or even ideas.

Tapping into intuitive knowledge, it is a valuable, time-effective tool for today’s entrepreneurs and leaders who need to address challenges in complex, fast moving environments.

This innovative, simple method  works with a symbolic, interactive spatial representation of the situation, provides new insights into the dynamics, reveals hidden dynamics and identifies possible solution scenarios and their impact.

It doesn’t require in depth consultation, expert services or analysis common in traditional approaches who work with what’s already “known”.  With this experiential and intuitive way to access latent, subconscious knowledge about the dynamics at work, constellations offer a complementary approach.

It can be seen as a pathway to the intuitive “right brain” of businesses, balancing the cognitive power of the “left brain”.

A systemic business constellation requires only 1-2 hrs of focussed time online or in-person with your systemic constellation facilitator.



Constellation Topics:


Uncover insights into the systemic impact, new perspectives and solution scenarios for complex issues.


Visualise potentional impact of decisions and ripple effect of different choices in complex situations.


Improve collaboration, trust issues or relational patterns in light of structure, roles & responsibilities.


Gain a holistic view of the model,  channel to market, product/market fit or stakeholder relationships.


Uncover and systemically test potential solutions through visual representation.


Explore performance issues, process blocks or alignment supporting business goals.

How do Systemic Constellations work? 

Systemic Business Constellations (SBC) is a fast and simple method for intuitive decision making and uncover hidden dynamics within an organisation. It evolved from Systemic Constellations (Hellinger) a problem solving approach for family systems that started in Germany. For the past 20 years it has also been applied in business as it offers a fast, practical and results-oriented method.

How it works: a picture says 1000 words

Intuitive, Subconscious Insights:

  • SBCs help people in an organization tap into subconscious insights that are hard to see with traditional methods.
  • By using physical objects or designated representatives to reflect parts of a business, subtle dynamics are revealed.

Non-Verbal Communication, Talking in Pictures:

  • SBCs focus on non-verbal cues and energy dynamics rather than relying only on verbal communication and data analysis.
  • The approach uncovers tensions, conflicts, or unspoken perceptions, providing valuable new insights

Practical Application and Results Orientation

  • SBCs are pragmatic and solution focused, aimed at achieving tangible outcomes and actionable insights.
  • Business professionals can trust that the process is based on objective observations and geared toward solving clearly defined challenges or opportunities.

 Alignment with Business Objectives

  • Insights from SBCs are directly applicable to business objectives, helping address complex issues with many stakeholders or enabling organisational change.
  • These insights can be integrated into strategic planning, execution plans and decision-making, helping businesses adapt in dynamic environments.




The constellation takes 1-1.5 hours.

After our intial 20 min introduction call, no further preparation is required. For on-line video call sessions all you need is a quiet room with a screen, camera and desk, where you can focus and assure privacy. In-person session arrangements will be agreed and facilitated at a suitable venue (Sydney Metro). 

Preparation and Goal Setting:

We define your specific business question and set a clear objective for the constellation. This may include gaining insights into organisational dynamics, identifying hidden conflict or finding solutions to complex problems.


Physical representatives for elements of the business systems, such as people, departments, stakeholders or even abstract concepts like goals or challenges are selected. Representatives maybe people, markers or physical objects. The representatives are spatially arranged to represent their relationships within the business system. It can be imagined like a 3D image. 

Insights and Solutions:

The representatives express their perceptions about the relationship dynamics at play. This allows us to observe patterns, tensions, disconnections or disruptions.  Potential solution scenarios or hypotheses can be tested.  

Integration and Action Planning:

The newly gained insights and potential solution, which may be around organisational structure, communication practises or decision making processes, can then become part of operational implementation plans.

Systemic Business Constellation Fee :

On-line facilitation: A$ 330 incl GST

In-person session (Sydney Metro): A$380 incl GST


– Please note that every constellation is focussed on a specific issue or question. Multiple sessions can be arranged.  

– Represenatives are optional and attract an additional fee of A$ 150.

– Fees are payable in advance. Terms & Conditions apply.

 – *Alternative venues can be arranged and will attract additional fees to cover cost.

 “The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or

what you will, The solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.” Albert Einstein

Ursula Dauenhauer - founder of business backstage

About Ursula Dauenhauer,

Founder of Business Backstage:

My clients benefit from more than 30 years business experience I can leverage to facilitate constellations in the most effective way.   After more than 35 years experience in the world of technology sales, marketing and go to market strategies, working with more than 110 businesses along the way, I learned that analysis and process can operationally run a business, but it can’t create its drive or vibe, – its essence.

Traditional methods can manage the mechanics well – however they take time, can be costly and cannot replace creativity, imagination or entrepreneurial  intuition.

We all know what it feels like when we expreience a business that is energising, collaborative and driven. We sense it too if it  is  toxic, political, de-motivating or simply flat and disfunctional.  We inuitively know when things feel right – or not.

This is the beauty of constellations – we can instantly see what goes on and find solutions for the better. “

learn more about Ursula 

The Difference  


We all know about the criticality of our “why”, the vision, purpose and the culture of a business.  This energy comes initially from the founders and entrepreneurs. As the business grows and changes more influences and dynamics come into play which may impact operations.



The principle of phenomenology simply means that we don’t make assumptions, start with an open mind and are present in the moment. Constellations start with a blank sheet to discover new insights and new solutions that balance the whole system dynamic.


The insights that can only be acquired through observation or experience as supposed to learning from a text book. In a systemic constellation context it means that what we observe is unique andmeaningful to a given situation at a point in time. 

"I was confused and unclear what was holding my business back with regards to my service offerings, so I engaged a business constellation with Ursula. I now have clarity and new insights that I can apply in a practical way. I feel confident moving forward."

David Flakelar, Inner Performance

"Ursula's background in business makes her an amazing asset to look at the intricies of how your business is operating, she is also sensitive and very kind. I would highly recommend if you need insight into the dynamics of your business"

Kamila, White Lotus

Are Systemic Constellations not right for you?

 go to market consultingAre you looking for

Go To Market Consulting?

If process driven advisory or consulting services for leadership teams  are a better fit to define and deliver strategic or operational go-to-market outcomes please visit Business Backstage’ sister company Go To Market Consulting.

COMING SOON: Spark creativity and collaboration or support change initiatives with organisational theatre and roleplay


Business Backstage provides access to the transformative power of  organisationl theatre. The partnership with the NFP Actors Analymous, Sydney’s largest and most active community of actors, writers, directors and producers, means that you can tap into the secret sauce of drama and theatre to train communication skills, inspire creativity, foster teaming and support change initiatives.

  • Corporate Roleplay Actors, Writers & Directors
  • Roleplay for  Recruitment
  • Organisational Forum Theatre
  • “Director for a day” Leadership Program 



Get In Touch

Contact Ursula for an obligation free 15 min call. 

We validate if Systemic Constellation is the right choice for you and you can get all your questions answered.